Friday, May 22, 2015

Removing Foreign Aggregate on NetApp ONTAP 8.2.1 Cluster Mode

So After installing a SAS Disk Shelf and assign ownership for all new disk, I notice that old aggregates from the previous filer were created as Foreign, This is a big problem. After doing some research, I was able to find the solution on a great KB from NetApp KB 1013046 using the Aggregate Destroy Command.

Note: Be very careful while going through this process as you can delete the wrong aggregate and it almost near impossible or impossible to restore an aggregate.

Here are the steps I follow it:

1. SSH to the Cluster.

2. Then Run the system node run -node * -command sysconfig -r command to identify the aggregate on Foreign State:

If the above output is to overwhelm, you can also uses the aggr status for each node by running the following command:

system node run -node <nodename> -command aggr status

Notice that the Output is more clear to identify does foreign aggregates.

3. Now that we identify does Foreign aggregates as well on which node, first we need to enable the Aggregate Destroy command since by default is not enable. To do so we will need to run the following command:

node run -node <node_name> options nodescope.reenabledcmds 'aggr=destroy'

4. Once Aggregate Destroy is enable, we are deleting does aggregate by typing the following command:

system node run -node <nodename> -command aggr destroy <aggregate_name>

5. Confirm by selecting yes

6. After removing those aggregates, we will disable the Destroy command option. This will bring back the other command options that were locked previously such aggregate status. To do so, run the following command:

node run -node <nodename> options nodescope.reenabledcmds ' '

7. Let confirm if those foreign aggregates were remove. Run the following command:

system node run -node <nodename> -command aggr status

As you notice on the above image, those foreign aggregates are now gone.

8. After I deleted those aggregates, I proceed to verify the status of my SAS disk by running the command disk show -type SAS

Notice all my disks are now spare and they are not part of an aggregate.

If you are running OPTAP 8.3 and later versions, please refer to the NetApp KB 1013046.


  1. Helpful blog. Thanks! I'm currently in this scenario that you describe but when I issue the command...

    'system node run -node GROFAS-02 -command aggr destroy aggr3_SATA'

    aggr destroy: No aggregate named 'aggr3_SATA' was found. tells me no such aggregate. The aggregate was on an old 7Mode system that is no longer around. I wanted to use the shelf since it is a DS4246.

    They do show up as 'foreign' when I issue the following command.
    system node run -node * -command sysconfig -r

    I'll probably have to open a call with NetApp.


    1. Thanks for this useful information. it has actually made things easier for me.

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